RCC Project Information Service
Companies often gather project information from sales people, friends, newspapers and other media. However, they find it difficult to gather vast amounts of timely project information with accurate contact details.
Researchers in RCC's 10 local branch offices closely monitor tender websites, newspapers, and other media and conduct thousands of phone calls or face-to-face interviews daily with government officials, owners, developers, designers, engineers, contractors, and other professionals to collect timely and accurate project information.
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RCC's project leads service has the following advantages:
Close relationship with government agencies, owners, developers and design firms and contractors
The most sophisticated information network and the best project coverage in China with high accuracy
The application of strict quality control measures to ensure information accuracy
In-depth information on projects, including project description, estimated costs, timetables, and accurate contact details of decision makers
Constant updates as projects move from early planning stage to design, tender and construction stage